Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I wanted to experience weather at sea, and it looks like I’m going to get it. The wind has increased, building the swell to a sharp 4 meters; the weather is bearing its teeth now. My cabin looks stationary, but the surface of the water in the mug on my desk and the curtains hanging from the window reveal the shifting plane of gravity. There’s something comforting about that weightless feeling one gets while lying in bed as the ship pitches and rolls over mountains of water. Along with the wind we’ve been having heavy monsoon rain squalls off and on all day. And we are still traveling north, I’m assuming we will make our turn south tomorrow and follow the weather back to Barrow Island.
That was yesterday, the ship began rocking differently last night, and I woke up to the sun rising to the left ; we are heading south again. Tropical Cyclone Bianca (I think that’s what they have named her) is now centered over Barrow Island and should pass later this evening. The predicted swell tomorrow morning as we approach Barrow will be around 8-10 meters, should be a lot of fun.


  1. This is exciting! And look at how close you are to Indo!!! This totally beats sitting in an office being bored in front of a computer screen like most people spend their lives doing. Have fun, hope to see you soon.

  2. Glad to hear you side-stepped the approaching storm. Keep us posted.
