Thursday, November 25, 2010

Duuuu Dun, Duuuu dun

So I’m sitting here in my usual chair on the Baldur, next to the communications desk. There’s a nice big window that allows me to spot fauna without having to bake in the relentless sun outside. I’ve been watching the flatbacks surface here and there for a few breaths; with mud spilling off their carapaces from what I’m assuming were a foraging dives. I just finished listening to Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata when John William’s epic piece “Jaws” came next on my random playlist. I thought this was fitting seeing as how I was staring at the deceptively empty ocean in front of me. Just as the piece reached its climax where in the movie that iconic white shark Jaws hurls itself out of the water at the stern of the decidedly “too small” of a boat; at the moment when the violins began the screeching crescendo, I kid you not, a cream colored shark surfaced not 50 meters from the vessel, chasing a school of fish. I couldn’t believe it…was it irony…or foreshadowing?

As a side note just to keep you in the loop, a whale shark was reported over the radio not far from the Finnmarken (the cruise ship I’ve been living aboard) a few days ago. They are not that common this far south I’m told, and are seen more frequently around Shark Bay.


  1. Later in the day, the Jurrasic Park theme song came on. I was waiting for a TX to swim by...
