“Hey Larry, looks like there’s some kind of large fish down
I stuck my head in for another look and realized the blob was
moving towards the surface, “at least I think it’s a fish, definitely large
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah…” the inflection in my voice changed from calm and
observant, to slightly cautious, to… “Shit it’s swimming towards me!”
Finally the blob surfaced just a foot away from me. What
emerged was a round dome with whiskers and cold black eyes; it was a young monk
seal, not a shark. My heart was in my stomach…or is it my stomach was in my
mouth? I can never get that expression right. We are required to keep our
distance from any monk seals we encounter, and I think this one knew the game,
for it was lingering around our exit, bobbing at the surface right in front of
the ladder. Occasionally it would swim off slightly, but as soon as we got
close to the ladder it would pop up and block access again. Maybe there was a
shark down there after all and it was baiting us. Maybe this was a diabolical
seal...perhaps named Stan. Maybe some former researcher or volunteer had
harassed Stan as a pup, and now it’s seeking its revenge. Maybe its revenge was
to have us torn to bits by the tiger shark lurking beneath our feet. Whatever
its motivation the seal wouldn’t move…so eventually we just had to get bold,
break protocol, and take charge of the ladder. It watched us clamber up the
rusty metal rungs, and once we were back on the island it lost interest and
disappeared, as if its plans for revenge had been foiled. I’m convinced Stan
was out to get us…
I think you should listen to Stan and no more daring dives...